Thursday, April 10, 2008


For the past few days I have been seeing people writing a lot about sex, love and the relationship or the absence of it between the two. I found that they were quite a popular read which made me think.....And think I did. We are really curious about this three letter word aren’t we?? Whether it’s in print or someone mentions sex, we are all ears about it!! So I thought what’s the big deal! Lady sex surely has an aura of mystery, charm and universality about her. Some would define it as a biological need, others might say it is a necessity but I would rather think of it as a basic instinct. The terms like “good or bad”, “right or wrong” doesn’t really apply here. An act of pleasure might just bring out the essence of it. And what is this pleasure? Quoting Gibran I would say:

“Pleasure is a freedom song,

But it is not freedom .

It is the blossoming of your desires,

But it is not their fruit.”

And this freedom, in its truest sense prevails in the all encompassing, ever absorbing, overwhelming power of LOVE. As is said:

“Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;

For love is sufficient unto love.”

I personally believe that to love and be loved is the greatest feeling that one can experience. It’s not just about loving your spouse or partner, it’s about love that one human being should share with another ,love that nature bestows on us and it’s powerful affection makes us fall in love with nature again and again. It’s vast, it’s ever-present and empowering, it’s beyond possession, and it’s about being one with yourself.

Both sex and love are an enigma in themselves. Let the mysticism continue......

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